The surprising health benefits of flexible work arrangements

Flexible work has become more than just a buzzword in recent years. It’s a trend that’s here to stay, with an increasing number of companies embracing the benefits of telecommuting, flexible schedules, and remote work. In honor of World Health Day, discover the impact that flexible working arrangements can have on worker health and well-being.

Understanding the power of flexibility

Research has shown that people who have control over their work schedules are more likely to make healthier lifestyle choices such as eating well and getting regular exercise.

In fact, a recent FlexJobs survey found that 97% of respondents reported that a flexible job would have a positive impact on their quality of life. With a greater sense of control over their work schedule and location, workers can prioritize self-care activities and establish a healthy work-life balance, leading to improved overall health and job satisfaction.

Similarly, a study by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health revealed that workers who have control over their schedules have lower levels of fatigue and are less likely to experience musculoskeletal pain. This makes sense: consider that there are significant variations between individuals, some of whom are early morning achievers while others work better in the evening. By prioritizing the needs of team members and allowing them to work when they are most productive, businesses are likely to see a significant improvement in alertness and performance.

An extensive study of high-tech workers found that having control over one’s own schedule reduces burnout, perceived stress, and psychological distress. This is crucial as workplace stress can contribute to a range of physical health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

The positive impact of flexible work arrangements extends to mental health. There is a wealth of data that indicates that providing individuals with flexibility in the workplace can result in improved mental health outcomes. For instance, a recent Mental Health America and FlexJobs survey found that 80% of respondents believed that flexible work arrangements would help them manage their mental health better. Organizations that are invested in the mental health of their people are more likely to foster motivated, engaged, and productive workforces.

By providing greater control over work schedules, reducing workplace stress, and improving overall well-being, flexible work arrangements can help workers maintain good physical and mental health, improve job satisfaction, and increase productivity. Organizations that embrace flexible work arrangements are demonstrating their commitment to their peoples’ well-being and creating a culture where team members feel valued and supported.

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